
The Amstelpark Toss

Twice a week, Amstelpark hosts the Toss. During this activity, you can play tennis with other members of Amstelpark without an appointment. Members of all levels are welcome to participate in the Toss. Multiple rounds will be played so it is no problem if you join later. In short, the Toss is a sporty and sociable affair and the ideal way to get in touch with other enthusiastic tennis players.

  • Monday mornings (11:00 – 14:00) led by Herman Schreijer (The Monday morning toss is by subscription. Registration runs from August to September. The winter toss on Monday mornings is currently full, registration for winter 23/24 is no longer possible.)
  • Wednesday evenings (18:00 – 22:00) led by Ben Nankoe
We would like to remind you of some important rules to ensure that participation in the Toss can take place in a safe and responsible manner for everyone.

We therefore assume that everyone who wants to participate in the Toss will follow these rules:

  • Bring your KNLTB card and place it on the toss table.
  • Follow the rules and guidelines that apply on the park
  • Follow instructions from the staff
  • After playing for a 1/2 hour, it’s a half-hour wait for the next round of play
  • Pick up your KNLTB card from the table yourself when you leave or the Toss is finished.
  • When participating in the Toss, it is not allowed to also reserve member courts during the toss. If you do, you can no longer participate in the toss.
  • The Toss is organised outdoors and for this reason can only take place in good weather. In case of bad weather, the toss will be cancelled.