T.C. Amstelpark uses the KNLTB board. You can use the terminal at the tennis desk. It is also possible to book a courtonline
If it is raining or bad weather, the indoor courts available at that time may be used? These indoor courts can never be booked in advance. During the summer season (April to September), this is free of charge. During the winter season (October to March), you pay half the court rental.
A court is always reserved for the duration of 1 hour. Shorter or longer is not possible. If you want to play another hour after playing, you can rebook a court if one is available. This way we keep it fair for all members and give everyone an equal opportunity to play.there is a court available.
You can book a court up to 7 days ahead. Once you have played, you can reserve the next court.
You can reserve 1 court for 1 hour. Once you have played, you can reserve the next court.
At T.C. Amstelpark, you can opt for a full or off-peak membership. For students, we have a special rate for both forms of membership. For juniors, there is the Youth Membership. Clickherefor more information on the different memberships.
Currently this is not yet the case, but we hope to be able to make a nice offer in the future to family members who want to play tennis together.
Payment for new registrations is made within the first 4 weeks from the date of application. Payment for existing memberships is made annually at the end of February or beginning of March. You give us a continuous direct debit authorisation for this purpose when applying for membership.
Membership of T.C. Amstelpark is an automatic ongoing membership. As long as you wish to remain a member, you don’t have to do anything. Only cancellations received by us in writing (email or post) before 1 January prior to the renewal can stop this automatic renewal.
If you wish to cancel your membership, you must inform us by sending an e-mail (tennis@amstelpark.nl) or letter (Amstelpark Tennis. Koenenkade 8, 1081KH Amsterdam) no later than 31 December prior to the next renewal on 1 April. You can then still use your membership until 31 March. If no official notice of cancellation is received before 1 January, membership is automatically renewed for another year. The membership year runs from 1 April to 30 March.
For our members, we organise a wide range of toernooien and competities. We also offer an opportunity to participate in Toss twice a week (Monday morning and Wednesday evening). As a member, you do not need to sign up for the Toss, just bring your tennis card. With a membership, you will also be registered with the KNLTB so you can participate in official tournaments such as the Amstelpark Open.
Unfortunately, due to huge demand, it is not possible to provide trial lessons. However, it is possible to book a single private lesson.
A confidential advisor has been appointed within the organisation:
– Krish de Boer – All-round Beauty employee
– Amber Gallenkamp – Front office employee
A confidential advisor is there for employees who have reports or complaints about undesirable behaviour. This could be aggression, violence, sexual harassment, sexual harassment, bullying or discrimination. Employees can seek help and advice, support in finding appropriate solutions and, if necessary, refer to other help agencies. A confidential advisor has a duty of confidentiality and always treats information confidentially. The confidential advisor can be reached at e-mail address: vertrouwenspersoon@zuiveramsterdam.nl.
External Confidential Advisor
From 1 October 2023, we have an agreement with an external confidential counsellor. Employees can, if an internal confidant is not desired or in the context of the whistleblower regulation, contact Thomas Willems of Interfair. He can be reached on 020-2443649 or at
e-mail address vp@interfair.nl.
Unfortunately, due to huge demand, it is not possible to provide trial lessons. However, it is possible to book a single private lesson.
The cost of a single private lesson (50 minutes) is €99. This fee includes court rental, trainer and tennis equipment. If you want to book a single private training session, please use the contact formon our site.
The summer season runs from 1 April to 30 September. The winter season runs from 1 October to 31 March. It may occasionally happen that a first or last lesson of the season falls in the other season.
You can register via the registration form on our website as soon as it becomes visible when registration opens. For classes in the summer season, this is from January, for winter classes you can register from July.
You do not need to be a member to take tennis lessons. However, should you wish to play tennis in your free time in addition to tennis lessons, we do recommend you check out our memberships.
If the season is not too far advanced, we can certainly still see if we can find a spot. You will then only pay for the number of remaining tennis lessons.
Only when we have actually been able to classify you will we proceed to collect. We collect only after the first day of classes of the season.
Sportswear, tennis shoes, a water bottle and if you have one, a tennis racket. If you don’t have a racket of your own yet, you can borrow one from us. In the TennisDirect sports shop next to the Amstelpark Clubhouse you can find all the clothes and materials you need.
Basically, you are responsible for attending classes yourself. In agreement with the trainer, we can see if there are possibilities to catch up a lesson one time. However, this is never a guarantee and should be seen as a service from Amstelpark.
Registration for the spring competition is possible from November/December. Registration for the autumn competition is possible from June/July.
for children we offer red/orange/green/yellow competition
Red : age 6 to 9 years
Orange: ages 8 to 11
Groen : leeftijd 10 t/m 12 jaar
KNLTB junior competition (yellow): ages 11 to 14 and 13 to 17
This competition is played in both spring and autumn.
Consult with the relevant coach which competition is best for your child
It can then be registered at tennis@amstelpark.nl
Signing up for the competition is possible both as a team and individually. Sign up individually and we will see if there is a matching team for you.
The cost for participation in the KNLTB competition is €40 per person per competition season. For members with off-peak membership who wish to participate during peak hours, the cost is €90 per person.
At Tennis Club Amstelpark, everyone is welcome of all levels and all ages. Tennis can be played all year round at our beautiful complex at the Amsterdamse Bos. Ever since its founding in 1986, Amstelpark has been a household name in the tennis world.
Copyright 2025 Amstelpark Tennis